2024 AGM proposals

The following proposals will be presented to the National Cavy Club AGM on 7th July 2024.

You can find more details about the 2024 AGM through the following link:

Updated 27th June 2024

Amendments highlighted in pink.

Proposals from the Executive to vary the rules and regulations

For approval at the AGM prior to ratification by ballot of the membership


Ballot information

7.22 | The biennial ballot to determine the NCC EJP shall be accompanied by information about each judge including, for example:

  • A brief resume of the judge’s experience (max 800 characters).
  • Details of the judge training events attended in the 24 calendar month period leading up to the 31st May of the ballot year.               
  • The number of open shows judged in the 24 calendar month period leading up to the 31st May of the ballot year.

Proposed by the National Cavy Club Executive


14.1 | The venue for the Club’s stock shows shall be decided by the executive of the Club. After judging the NCC Adult, Intermediate or Young Stock Shows, including overall Best in Show, a judge shall not be eligible to officiate in the same section (e.g. Self, Nonself, Coated, Marked & Ticked) of the same age Stock show in the following year. in the following year’s Adult, Intermediate or Young Stock Shows.

Proposed by the National Cavy Club Executive

Supporting notes:
In recognition of the difficulty in recent years of securing judges at the Combined Stock Show, where up to 11 Executive Panel judges are required, it is proposed that the rule preventing judges from judging at the Combined Stock Show in consecutive years be removed. It is recognised, however, that some judges would not wish to judge in consecutive years and judges will be asked before their name is placed on the ballot and there will be no pressure for judges to accept.

Proposals from Members to vary the rules and regulations

For approval at the AGM prior to ratification by ballot of the membership


10.1 | The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held each year for the purpose of receiving reports and the balance sheet from the previous year, … The meeting may involve the use of video conferencing so that as many as possible of the NCC members can attend and participate. 

Proposed by Hazel Beaudin, Seconded by Alison Keyworth

Proposals from the Executive to vary the Show Regulations

For ratification at the AGM

Regulation 3: Breed standards and definitions

Remove 3.6 | At RVCC Stock Shows, Assessment classes will be hosted for new varieties that do not have Guidance
Notes. Exhibitors will be expected to explain the background and objectives of the breed and the judge will be able to comment constructively on its potential

Remove 3.7 | Assessment classes may only be included on show schedules with the express approval of the RVCC.

Supporting notes:
Assessment classes are no longer referenced by the British Cavy Council or the Rare Varieties Cavy Club and therefore their inclusion in the regulations is longer relevant.

Regulation 4: Affiliation


Addition to 4.1 | … The affiliation umbrella provides…

  • Inclusion in the National Best of Breed competition.

Action to be taken by affiliated clubs

New clause 4.3 and 4.4 [amend other clause Nos. accordingly] |

4.3 | All shows, events, etc. held by affiliated clubs must be held in accordance with National Cavy Rules and National Cavy Club Show Regulations as far as they are applicable.

4.4 | The National Show Regulations extend to all stock shows, area shows, etc. hosted by a National Cavy Club affiliated club, with the exception that they may select judges from their own judging panel. All such judges must be made aware of and act on the National Cavy Club’s Show Regulations.

Amend bullets in 4.6:

All open and junior purebred and pet judges must be members of the National Cavy Club and fit the following criteria: …

  • 4 Stars:    Open show. Judge(s) to be on National CC Executive Judging Panel. Show to have attracted 250 or more entries at the equivalent show in the previous year.
  • 5 Stars:    Open show. Judge(s) to be on the National CC Executive Judging Panel. Show to have attracted 400 or more entries at the equivalent show in the previous year.

Regulation 10: Sale pens at shows

Amend 10.1(g) | The NCC asks that Skinnies, Baldwins, Werewolf and Giants (Cuy) are not brought into the show hall
and must not be offered for sale at any NCC shows.
Skinnies, Baldwins, Werewolf and Giants (Cuy) must not be offered for sale at any NCC shows.

Proposed by National Cavy Club Executive 

Proposals from Members to vary the Show Regulations

For ratification at the AGM

Regulation 6: Exhibiting at a cavy show

Communication with a Judge

New clause 6.11 [amend other clause Nos. accordingly]

6.11 | In the interests of education, the NCC encourages a more interactive approach to the judging of classes for junior exhibitors. Here, and where stated in clearly in adverts for the show (i.e. before entries are taken), junior exhibitors in junior classes are encouraged to present their own exhibits to the judge and the judge may discuss the merits of the exhibits before them with the exhibitors after the judge has placed the exhibits. Exhibitors may remain anonymous if they so wish. The judge is giving a personal interpretation of the standards and his or her decision on that day is final and will be respected by all exhibitors.

Proposed by Gary Taylor, Seconded by Greg Jackson