The National’s classified service is available to full adult members of the National Cavy Club, who have been members of the club for at least three months.
The National reserves the right to discontinue the service at any time, to refuse applications for adverts, or to remove adverts, all without asserting a reason.
Advertisers must comply with the following:
- The advert must include the name of the seller (not just a stud name), the age(s) of the cavies, the price, and the geographic location.
- An accurate description of the quality of the cavy, e.g. breeding or pet.
- A maximum of two photographs (this might be expanded in future).
- The items being sold must be the property of the member.
- All cavies for sale must be over 8 weeks old.
This is a new venture that we hope will be a useful service for National members. We expect there will be some matters to resolve in the early days and we would welcome any feedback or suggestions to improve the process.
By clicking publish, you are deemed to agree with the terms and conditions.
If you wish to include a photo or image, these need to be small as the system will reject large images.
A simple way to reduce the size of images is to copy them from Facebook Messenger, or use one of the following products to re-size them:
NB: Adverts are placed at the advertiser’s own risk. The National Cavy Club will not enter into correspondence regarding the adverts.