2024 Members Seminar & AGM

Sunday 7th July 2024 - Prestwood Centre, Stafford County Showground, ST18 0BD

The National Cavy Club invites all its members (whether existing judges, aspiring judges, or just plain interested!), to attend the ever popular 2024 Judging Seminar and AGM


Teas and coffee at 10:00 for a 10:30 start

Presentations and hands-on workshops (from 10:30):

  • Judging challenge classes– Q&A session with a panel of NCC judges
  • Cavy preparation and presentation: from hutch to show bench

Complimentary Lunch (12:30)

We will be offering everyone a buffet lunch, where there will be an informal discussion, with collated feedback on the topic: “What I would like from the National Cavy Club”

2024 National Cavy Club AGM (14:00)

All proposals for the AGM to be received by Friday via email or post, to the Secretary, Claire Maydon, at the address below.

Proposals to be considered at the AGM are listed though the following link

National Cavy Club Judges are strongly encouraged to attend at least one judging seminar in a two-year period, and it is hoped as many as possible will be able to join us in order to help fulfil their commitment.

For those of you that have aspirations to judge in the future, attendance will count towards the judges’ training scheme.

Buffet lunch to be provided free to all attending Members and their partners.

Attendance at seminar by advance booking only.

There will be no cost for the lunch, but any cancellations must be made by 1st July so that lunch orders can be amended.

Please book before 30th June, together with any dietary requirements, through:

Claire Maydon, e: office@nationalcavyclub.com