Spring Stock Show

Sunday 13th March 2021

Join in with the National Cavy Club’s first on-line show!


Best in Show: Bernard Wiles

Selfs: Melanie and David Oulton

Longhaired: Melanie Oulton

Coated: Julie Gallagher

Marked & Ticked: Ian Reynolds

Guide Standard and NEB: Mark Pascoe

Pets: Paul Conway

To enter, you will need four photographs of each cavy (taken to illustrate the main breed features, e.g. from each side, face on and above, to ). For marked and ticked breeds, you may use five photographs. Each photograph must display a card or similar with the words “NCC Spring Show 2021″.

The photographs will need to be arranged into a collage; it is recommended that this the collage is landscape in orientation in order to fit into the show presentation.

Results will be announced on 13th March and displayed on the NCC website and on the NCC Facebook page.

Happy snapping!

Entry fees are £1 per exhibit block entry (Juniors are free if entered into main show).

Payment by bank transfer to National Cavy Club | Sort Code:40-45-22 | Ac No.: 51786849

Send your entries to kathy@dudding.me

Entries close 27th February 2021


Past Spring Stock Shows