The following proposals will be presented to the National Cavy Club AGM on 22nd October 2022.
Amendments highlighted in blue.
Proposals from members to vary the rules and regulations
For approval at the AGM prior to ratification by ballot of the membership
14.1 The venue for the Club’s stock shows shall be decided by the executive of the Club. After judging the NCC Adult, Intermediate or Young Stock Shows, including overall Best in Show, a judge shall not be eligible to officiate in the same section (e.g. Self, Nonself) in the following year’s Adult, Intermediate or Young Stock Shows. …
Proposed by Kathy Dudding, Seconded by Andrew McDonald
Supporting notes:
In recognition of the difficulty in recent years of securing judges at the Combined Stock Show, where up to 11 Executive Panel judges are required, it is proposed that the rule preventing judges from judging at the Combined Stock Show in consecutive years be removed. It is recognised, however, that some judges would not wish to judge in consecutive years and judges will be asked before their name is placed on the ballot and there will be no pressure for judges to accept.
Proposals from the Executive to vary the Show Regulations
For ratification at the AGM
Regulation 3.1 Affiliation – Overview [NB: exact location of the clause within the Regulations to be determined]
New 3.1.2 As and when necessary and requested, the National Cavy Club is able to assist by holding affiliated club’s funds in trust on behalf of the said club. For example, where there are issues with a club continuing to operate for whatever reason or where a club is exploring a new way forward. Unless otherwise agreed by both parties, such funds will be held for a period of 5 years, after which they will be released to the National for the benefit of the fancy in general. Clubs should contact the National if or when such a situation arises with their club.…
Regulation 3.3: Actions to be undertaken by affiliated clubs
3.3.4 All open and junior purebred and pet judges must be members of the National Cavy Club and fit the following criteria: …
New 3.3.6 For 1 and 2 star shows, and where made clear on show adverts and show schedules, clubs may decide to discard conventional penning and cavies may be housed in facilities supplied by the exhibitor for the duration of the show (e.g. crates or boxes). It is the exhibitors’ responsibility to ensure that all cavies are housed for the duration of the show in a manner that safeguards their welfare, and which is appropriate to their age and size.
Regulation 4.3: Entering a show. Show entries
4.3.1 …
clause g/ In order to safeguard the welfare of exhibits and minimise over-handling, cavies must not be entered into more than three shows (e.g. the host show plus an area show and a breed show) at any one event, nor may they be exhibited at more than one event in a six-day period. Notwithstanding this, the National Cavy Club recommends that each cavy is shown in no more than two shows at an event. [For the avoidance of doubt, a two-day show where the cavies remain in situ in their pen will count as one event].
Regulation 7.1 Code of practice for judges
new clause o/ To avoid embarrassment or misunderstanding on the show day for either judge or club, it is recommended that any out-of-pocket judging expenses that might be due are agreed prior to the show day, ideally at the time of appointment.
Regulation 7.5: Guidance notes for pet judges
7.5.2 The following guidance notes have been drawn up to help standardize the judging of pet cavies, at shows under NCC Regulations. The aim is to achieve consistency in pet judging, while allowing the judge freedom to express their own preferences.
Wherever possible, a A pet judge should must be a NCC member, and must have had at least 2 years’ experience as an exhibitor. ….
Proposed by National Cavy Club Executive
Proposals from members to vary the Show Regulations
For ratification at the AGM
Regulation 8: Organising a show
New clause 8.1.2
There may be specific occasions – for example at smaller shows or where the education of exhibitors is the prime aim – when the usual exhibitor anonymity can be relaxed. At such events, cavies will be stewarded by their owner or a nominated handler, with exhibits taken to the judging table and presented on the exhibitor’s own board or equivalent, on which the cavy will remain for the duration of judging. Long-haired exhibits will be presented in the traditional manner. Other exhibits will be presented on a board covered with hessian or naturally-coloured carpet square, without distinguishing marks, and a maximum of 30cm (12 inches) square and 15cm (6 inches) high.
It is fully recognised that this approach to stewarding will not be appropriate at most shows.
It is hoped that this method of stewarding will enable a more interactive showing experience. Judges will be encouraged to voice the reasoning behind their assessments and exhibitors will be able to receive feedback on all their cavies. Exhibitors may not discuss the merits of exhibits on the table and the judge’s decision is final.
When using self-stewarding, clubs must ensure that the method of stewarding is made clear on show schedules and in show adverts; that exhibitors are fully familiar with the process and what is required of them well before the show day; and that club-appointed stewards (and boards) are available for those exhibitors that do not wish to steward their own cavies.
Proposed by Gary Taylor, Seconded by David Oulton