We are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer a digital subscription to CAVIES magazine…
The current issue of the magazine, together with some back numbers, will be available 24/7 to digital subscribers online, where it can be viewed via an interactive pdf viewer.
The digital magazine will contain the same content as the printed copy, and will enable you to remain up-to-date with all the cavy happenings, news and events in the UK and afar.
An online subscription is available for just £20 for 12 months.
We hope that by offering a subscription price that is substantially cheaper than the previous print prices, we will be able to attract more subscribers and so widen the cavy fancy’s audience. The online version will also be easier to distribute to our many overseas cavy friends, where postage rates have previously proved prohibitive.
Come and join us!
For more information…
please email subscriptions@caviesmagazine.com
or visit